GRADUATION DAY - We stood at attention, listening to our accomplishments and how we were ALL soldiers in the United States Army, even those of us (like me) that joined the Army Reserves and National Guard. Several awards, ribbons, and a few medals were given out to fellow soldiers. Even though this is an awesome day for all of us, it is a very long process and continues for hours. Finally, all of the companies in our Battalion marched around the track for pass and review. I cannot even begin to explain the feelings and emotions that came over me as I marched around the track. Afterwards, family and friends were introduced to our Drill Sergeants. I wish my parents could have seen me graduate, (especially my dad), but they were unable to make the trip. Those who had family in town were able to leave for the night, but had to be back at the company by chow the next evening. Jokala introduced me to her parents and they invited me to hang out with them for the remainder of the day and eat with them. The excitement of graduation day carried into the evening and it was extremely hard to fall asleep that night. For once, I did not have Fireguard duty. 🤣
Since our (the females) last inspection had gone very smoothly, we were able to pack up our belongings early and retrieve our personal bags. We are shipping out to our AIT (Advanced Individual Training) units today. I will not be traveling far, practically down the street and around the corner, to Charlie Company 369th Adjutant General Battalion.
We have overcome our biggest challenges and have joined the honorable ranks of the United States military. It took a lot of dedication and weeks of hard work to get here, but I made it.
The graphics used within this website are copyrighted to various graphic artists and are not public domain, nor are they available for download from this site. Please visit the links provided if available. My military experience is expressly my own and everyone will have a different perspective and outcome. Military icons are by juicy_fish and Pixel Perfect from Flaticon. Emojis courtesy of Emojipedia. Military dolls made at eLouai (no longer online) and edited by me using GIMP.