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I Support Originality

paint jars and brush

I have been online for many years now and I still remember building my first website through Geocities. Of course back then, it was not uncommon to go on a down-loading spree, right-clicking and saving graphics to decorate your website without a thought to copyrights, or the importance of giving credit. Believe it or not, the first copyright law to go into effect here in the United States was in May of 1790.

In early 2002, I came across a plethora of country style graphics and I was immediately taken with their charm and winsome appearance, and I have been using them to decorate my websites ever since. If not for these wonderful and talented artists, my pages would be bland and uninteresting. At least to me. I began to understand and educate myself on the importance of giving credit for the use of graphics, including pictures or text, while reading a Terms of Use page. These artists put their heart and soul into their creations, not to mention time and energy, and they deserve our respect. Cute, colorful graphics make a website more fun and exciting to visit, and most artists’ Terms Of Use (TOU) are quite simple to follow.

  • You must have a family friendly website.

  • Provide a link back to them for using their graphics on every page you use them on.

  • Do not alter them in any way, unless specifically stated that you can do so (i.e. adding text).

  • Do not direct-link to their graphics (this is considered bandwidth theft or hot-linking).

  • Do not put their graphics into collections or claim as you own.

​​The World Wide Web should always be a place for everyone to enjoy. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, and over the years a great majority of graphic artists, especially those that made country graphics, closed their websites indefinitely due to graphic abuse and theft. It has been over 20 years since I made my first website. I owe a debt of gratitude to these amazing artists for all the time, hard work and creativity that they have put into making the beautiful graphics that I use to decorate my pages.

Julie at Bear Essential Graphics (site no longer online)
Graphics © Irene (opens in new tab)
Donna's Dilemmas (site no longer online)

Originality is the aspect of created or invented works as being new or novel, and thus distinguishable from reproductions, clones, forgeries, or derivative works. An original work is one not received from others nor one copied from or based upon the work of others. It is a work created with a unique style and substance. The term "originality" is often applied as a compliment to the creativity of artists, writers, and thinkers. The modern idea of originality is tied to Romanticism, by a notion that is often called romantic originality.​ - Wikipedia

Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work. - Wikipedia

Synonyms of plagiarism include to copy and paste, to pass off as one's own, infringe the copyright of, and steal.

Read about Copyright
I support Original United (archived by Internet Archives Wayback Machine)
Lead by Example (archived by Internet Archives Wayback Machine)
Don't Cut and Paste (archived by Internet Archives Wayback Machine)
R.I.G.H.T.S. - Redistrubution of Graphics has to Stop
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art supplies
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Graphics © Helena (opens in new tab)

The graphics used within this website are copyrighted to various graphic artists and are not public domain, nor are they available for download from this site. Please visit the links provided if available.

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