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Tuesday 4 - Dreams

Welcome to Tuesday 4 (the legacy of Toni Taddeo kept in her honor and memory). Thanks to Annie for today's four questions!

Welcome back to Tuesday 4 where we remember the wonderful memes of our friend Toni Taddeo by continuing them on in her memory. I am glad you've stopped by to join in.

This week is another old one from Toni....

My Dreams ~ Try Using Photos!

1. My dream house is? A colonial house located somewhere around the Tree Streets in Bangor, ME! 😍 We went here for vacation a couple of years ago and absolutely fell in love! We have plans on moving in the near future, and when we do, we will become Texans moving Northeast! I am so looking forward to actually seeing and experiencing all FOUR seasons! So, this could be one dream that comes true!

2. My dream car is? A 1966 Ford Mustang CHERRY RED convertible! One of these beauts sat in the driveway of some guy up the street from us for years! I got so irritated every time I saw it because he had literally just left it to rot! Code finally nailed him and the car is no longer there. 🙄

3. My dream vacation is? I would 💛 to go to Scotland and Ireland! We named our daughter after the Isle of Skye and my absolute favorite heroine from my favorite saga - O'Malley Saga by Bertrice Small. My niece spent six months in Ireland studying abroad. She had some wonderful pictures! I would also love to visit two of my dearest friends - Ria and Lynette - that live in South Africa! I am sure they would both give us the best tours!!

4. My dream life is? Honestly, I wouldn't change my life. I have the most amazing husband and two awesome kids! They are my world! I guess you could say that this is my dream life. 🥰

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